Insights & Analytics

Insights to drive strategic decisions

Teams fly blind in the approvals process. No access to budgets, actuals and committed spend. No visibility into where requests are held up in the approvals process. Simply a black box.

Not with Sudozi: Sudozi ensures all leaders have the insights and analytics necessary to expedite decisions, and drive alignment towards profitability goals.

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Full Visibility into vendor spend
Budget Insights
Spend Analytics
Detailed Financial Data
Alignment towards profitability goals
Bring Strategic Procurement to your Company
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Full Visibility into vendor spend

Gain a 360-view into Vendor Spend

Have all the context at your fingertips with 360-visibility into vendor spend: from requested spend, to historicals, to budget, to committed/contractual spend.
Sudozi is the only platform offering visibility into all vendor spend alongside purchase requests, purchase orders and budget data.
Budget Insights

Budget insights to drive smart decisions

Empower your Finance team with instant budget insights when reviewing requests.
Immediately know if a request is over-budget for a given period of time. Compare the request to budgets by department, GL Account, Vendor, and more.
Spend Analytics

Spend Analytics to identify bottlenecks

Sudozi’s spend analytics help surface key data related to your spend process and help identify key areas for process improvement.
Quickly assess how many days a request is held up with a specific review group, which groups tend to reject which types of requests, and much more.
Detailed Financial Data

Financial data to gain context

Sudozi offers the ability to drill-down into your financial data synced over from your ERP.
Filter transactions by key data dimensions and drill-down into transaction details. @ comment business users into a transaction when more context is needed.
Alignment towards profitability goals

Transparency to drive alignment with your Budget Owners

Sudozi empowers your budget owners with unique visibility into budget and actual spend data to help drive informed decisions.
With advanced permissions, ensure that your budget owners have access to their department or business unit data.
Sudozi is the only product that gives business leaders and FP&A context to their budgets embedded in the approval workflow. The common question of ‘what’s left in my budget’ is accessible and clear to each business leader.
Business leaders use Sudozi to see in real-time what’s been spent from their budget and what they have left. The Finance team is using Sudozi to make faster and more confident decisions regarding new requests.”
Lori Rosenberg
Finance Systems Senior Manager

Close the gap between Insight and Action

Learn how Sudozi will help you reclaim control of the spend process: from the insight necessary to make decisions all the way to payment execution.

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